Monday, April 23, 2012

Social media works even for the church

Social statistics now says my true reach of people on a daily basis is more than 4 times the number of my facebook friends. That means about 2800 people follow me on a daily basis. That is more than the number of people that go to my church. Or more than go to the local high school and more people than within a mile of my home. I reach people on four continents and 20 US states. I reach ages 13 to 81. Am I saying this to brag. Maybe a little. 
My real point is social media works and churches should be using it to reach people. I can ask people on 4 continents and in 20 US States to go to church with me. I think I have a few times but I have not seen a post from a single church in my area, including my own, inviting me to church. I belong to my church's facebook page but don't remember being invited. It doesn't have a schedule or calendar. Post are random and inconsistent. 
It is time for churches to use social media to it's advantage. Make friends, stay in touch and invite more each day. A program will only fill up with a good marketing plan. Churches are not exempt from this. They should share there weekly schedule. Invite more than the church body to events and create an inviting and welcome atmosphere. Not one like the church below. 

I saw this picture on facebook, Shouldn't it read instead, If your are going to hell, why not come to church with me first.

It is time for churches to step up and step out of their comfort zones. If you haven't looked Jesus Christ is on facebook but he has less than 5 million followers. With half a billion people on facebook, this tells me the church is not doing it's job. It is easy to reach people, stay in touch, and provide all the information they need to bring them into the congregation. Christians should make sure something inviting and welcoming shows up in there feed everyday and it should come from the church they belong too. 

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